Saturday, October 20, 2018

United Nations Month Celebration

These times we are experiencing different kinds of maltreatment towards each other. Have we forgotten the rights that everybody deserves? Why do we practice these things from the first place? It's no good in mankind. Whether you are rich or poor, you need to know your limitations and responsibilities each time you make you move. You need to asses things first so you will not hurt anybody's feelings.

Women and children are the most fragile ones in this problem of our country. They have the right to shout the maltreatment but they remained silent because of the fear that they are undergoing. Because of poverty, child labor is also one of the most "Being solved" problem throughout the world. Instead of enjoying the essence of life, they are there on their own job finding money just to have a food to eat. Because of poverty, bad things happen as if it was just normal to us already. Money changes a person in the way they think, they act, and they believe. Let us not abuse the life given to us. We can't exchange our loyalty and beliefs just for money.

We need to move for a better place to live in. Do not let the system eat you. Instead, make a change from yourself and the others will surely follow. Be a member and a leader towards a safer world for the next generation's sake. Work together to change the VALUE of money.

World Teacher's Day Celebre

          Waking up early for school needs a lot of commitment in our part as a student. Reading past lessons just to have a high score during tests needs a lot of dedication. Doing projects during weekends instead of having a self-time, needs a lot of sacrifice to be done. Students often complain their responsibilities as a student. But let's not take this as a reason to stop learning in life. As we can see, our beloved teachers make a lot more effort than us. They teach how many students day by day with different abilities and personalities. With a simple greetings and a warm smile from a student can make the day of a teacher. 

          A teacher serves as a guidance to all of the students. They teach you not only mentally but also physically, emotionally, socially and most of all, they teach you how to be a morally trained person. Schools are composed of students and teachers. Hence, givers and receivers of knowledge that will make you a better person in the future. Yes, we learn from different kinds of experiences but the teachings of a good teacher wouldn't be replaced by anything. The sacrifices that will make you realize how hard to be a parent and a second parent. The time that they allotted to you just for you to learn something from them in that session. And the cry of a teacher that will make you feel how they are really into helping small kids to grow. 

          Some of us might forget them in the future. But most of us will never neglect those happy moments when we were still your students. Thank you for being there while we are still growing up. Thank you for guiding us towards the true path. Thank you for helping us to reach our dreams. All we can do is to say thank you. Thank you for everything! Our beloved TEACHERS!

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Disaster: We Ain't givin' up

   Why is it that Philippines is considered as one of the most disaster prone country in the world? How many times did the Philippines got hit by different kinds of cataclysms? In every calamity that is occurring in this country, how many times did we fall apart from each other? How many times did this natural disaster destroyed our homes and environment? How many times did it made us feel down?  Only few of them that we can clearly remember. But one things for sure, we stood still and accepted the challenges of life because even many times it will come, we ain't giving up, right? And we'll never let those setbacks to shatter this broad wall of flexibility and resiliency of every single Filipino citizen.

  Let's imagine how typhoon Haiyan devastated the whole country's domain. Let us focus on how this typhoon was able to traumatize the life of every individual that was living in the Philippines. Yes, it only lasts for about a week or so. But it took us days, months, or even more than a year to recover the pain of experience that is being kept as scars. A scar that symbolizes memories which will never fade from the faces of the victims.

e also need to give surveillance to the eruption of Mt. Mayon. Let's go back in time wherein the villagers that inhabited near the volcano was able to encounter the fearful shacking of the crust and the rapid movement of thick ashes that covered the entire place. Again and again we will undergo different problems in life that needs attention and awareness to be solved. Even how hard it will strike us, life doesn't end here. 


   History might repeat itself. But don't be worry for we are also ready to repeat all the requirements in order to surpass the difficulties of life. Have faith in God to possess the peace of mind which will lead to a better understanding and way of thinking on how you will solve a problem that is already a part of your life. Just smile and be flexible in every situation that will happen to you. And think that someday, you will be out there being proud to yourself for you have conquered something that not all can do. Again, life doesn't end here!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1st Quarter : A Life Changer

This first period, I have learned so much about blogging and things that is supporting it. Making a blog is an important task because it makes us to do things in a way that we can also help others by sharing our knowledge about that certain topic. Blogging also help us in improving our skills just like in grammar, editing, and other useful stuff that we can apply in real life. I also have learned things about how internet was made, about the persons or the makers, the developers, innovators, and other important person that made a great impact in making internet to be successful nowadays. 

In every discovery there is always a challenge or a problem that you need to face and to overcome in order to gain that knowledge for you to surpass who you are today. There were some problems that I needed to face and to do something about it. First, I had a hard time in understanding about what is the real purpose of making a blog. Second, I also have this thing in my mind that if I post my work, I always as myself if "what would other say"? What would other say if my grammar was wrong, if my work is very far from the topic that I am making and what if my work talks only nonsense. I always have that fear of being judged by others. That's why every thing that I type, I often think that I still need to improve this thing. Lastly, I'm not that familiar about how to make a great blog because my grammar is not that good and I don't use computer for educational purposes only instead, I often use them for playing games in which I cannot develop my skills in grammar and computer works.

These three problems pushed me to strive harder; which is I did. I solved my first problem by searching more examples about blog. This made me realize how blog affects every students or even workers on their task. It gives them more idea about what they want to know. And it's a good thing that you have helped your fellow to do their task easier and faster. I've also puzzled my second problem by accepting what I am capable to do or to show to others. Instead of taking those "imaginary" opinions negatively, I chose to take it in a positive way. I aimed high, I've read many rules and tips on how to make my grammar look more appealing to the readers. Lastly, I was able to conquer my last problem by watching tutorials and doing stuffs that made myself to be more familiarized about modern technologies that will be needed to make blogs.

Moving on, I would like to thank my teacher for this lesson that she thought us a wonderful life hack for us to use in our daily and future life. And I will also take my ability in making these kinds of online blogs to the next level. In this way, I will be able to make my blogs more specific and precise to feed the reader what he/she really needs about that topic and to give him/her more than what they needed. Again, Thank you ma'am, for you have given us a great opportunity to change ourselves in what we do in this computer technology. 

FILIPINO: Buwan ng saliksik

Ang wikang filipino ay nagsisilbing parangal at ito'y ipinagmamalaki ng bawat mamamayan pilipino. Ito ang lenguaheng dapat pahalagahan ng mga pilipino sa ating bansa. Kailangan nating bigyan ng respeto at preserbahin it sapagkat ito'y ang ating orihinal na lenguahe ng pananalita. dahil sa sacripisyong ating mga ninuno, atin itong pinagyayaman at binibugyan ng pansin para magamit sa anumang sitwasyon.

 Bilang pasasalamat sa kanila, ang bawat eskuwelahan ay nagsasagawa ng mga aktibidad para patuloy na manatili ang mga ito sa alaala nating mga tao. Kaya't ating isama ang ating sarili sa mga paligsahan para ipagpatuloy ang umaalab na memorya na sinimulan ng mga masnauna satin.

 Atin ring ipagpatuloy ang mga ito at mas palawakin ang kaalaman patungkol sa nakaraan.  Para may magamit at matutunan ang susunod na henerasyon sa pagtulong sa kanilang para sa pag-aaral ng bawat bata sa ating bansa.


Search the Internet for the following facts and information. Write your answers in the table below.
1.       What is the context of "embedded journalist"? When was it first used? Who created the term?
2.        _______________ is the only pope honored by Turkey a Muslim nation. His statue stands at center of a city square of ______________.
3.       Who designed the tallest building in Hong Kong?
4.       In September 11, 2001, two commercial airplanes commandeered by terrorist crashed and destroyed the World Trade Center in New York. Is this the first time that an airplane crashed into a skyscraper in New York?
5.       __________ is the tallest building in the world. It is located in ____________. The construction started in ________ and was finished_________.
6.        What is the meaning of tundra? Why is the Bush administration so interested with exploring and exploiting the tundra?
Draw in a diagram form the metamorphosis of an "urban legend"
 Search Engine        
 Search Technique
Embedded journalism refers to news reporters being attached to military units involved in armed conflicts. While the term could be applied to many historical interactions between journalists and military personnel, it first came to be used in the media coverage of the 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Phrase searching
Pope Benedict XV Pope Benedict XV's statute stands in the courtyard of St Esprit Cathedral, Instanbul Turkey.
Phrase searching
 Pritzker Prize-winning Chinese American architect I.M. Pei
Phrase searching
Phrase searching
Burj Khalifa in Dubai, its started in January 6, 2004 and was finished in October 1,2009
Phrase searching
Tundra vast, flat, treeless Arctic region of Europe, Asia, and North America in which the subsoil is permanently frozen.
Because Bush supports oil exploration and they are looking for oil sources
Phrase searching

Monday, August 6, 2018


VALUE: Sources/Author/Date Published/Sponsor/Copyright
Search Engine
Search Technique
1. Sometime in 1991, a chief scientist at the NIIT, named, started an experiment hole in a wall.
Sugata mitra
Phrase searching

2. What does NIIT stands for?
National institute of information technology
Phrase searching
3. His team carved a hole in the wall that separated NIIT campuses from slum areas. Why did they carve hole in the wall?
Dr. mitra’s team
Hole-in-the-wall education project 2015
Phrase searching
4. What was the significant finding of the experiment?
To have an impact for the young generation learners
Kalkaii, new delhi
Hole-in-the-wall education project 2016
Phrase searching
5. What could be the implications of this finding to existing teaching practices especially those that are related with the use of ICT in learning?
By using the hole in the wall setup

Phrase searching

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Human Lives not Human Rights

President Rodrigo Roa Duterte was once again delivered his one of a kind State Of The Nation Address for the third time. A speech were he was able to inspire lives, educating minds and made everyone laugh despite of the problems we are facing these days.

 One of his topics was about the war on drugs and he said that this problem wouldn't be easy to solve. Instead, drugs became more expensive than ever due to this active ban of illegal medicines.
 He also talked about the continuous corruption of our officials which leads this country to innovate gradually. And he also gave emphasis about the disaster management to have more facilities and power in order to support the victims of the certain disaster. He was also able to talk about things that has a contribution in improving our country just like the Boracay closure that is already half way done which will result a better and safer tourist spot of the Philippines. He also created trust funds for the coconut farmers to help them in maintaining their daily life. He also tackled about the telecommunication services to have an extra security and better services to ensure safety, better performance and a more affordable price for the consumers.

As hestated,that he is concern to human lives and not on human rights, which is very connected to his speech. Though when he is able to get his goal and support the lives of the people, he is already doing the general things that others can only do it specifically. And he is doing all his duty and a job well done.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Plant The Seeds

Nutrition month was again celebrated this July 2018 from different places around the country with the theme "Ugaliing magtanim sapat na nutritsyon aanihin". Being a healthy and well fit individual takes a lot of patience and consistency.

But this alone won't make you get closer to your goal. We also need to eat various kinds of fruits and vegetables to sustain the daily mineral consumption needs of a person. Ofcourse, we need to produce those things for us to have something to eat and to maintain life as it is.

 This month's goal was to tell us more about planting and to have a better understanding in it. For us to have the dedication and determination to start planting in order to supplement our needs without relying to much on farmers.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Letter To The President

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear Mr. President,

It's my pleasure to write a message for you sir! Please let me start from the beginning. Years past, drugs, gambling and crime ruled the Philippines. So thirsty for money they can even harm their own family. These problems made the government officials to fear the outgoing rage of the illegal makers. But behind those fake walls, some of the government officials made a secret agenda to those drug dealers in exchange of bountiful money.

 Corruption then came and it made this problem to go more worst than ever. Money hypnotizes leaders to steal fortune from the government funds which it will eventually lead to a slow growth specially in economic concerns. Then a brave Davao mayor emerges from a simple mayor to a prestigious president.From that day, a new hope, a new light and a new life was born. A ruler that is strong-willed person that is capable to kill the devil inside you and will make an individual to go back in the real educated life. A type of a person that doesn't fear death just to serve his countrymen. Mr. president, we would like you to know how grateful and thankful we are for you have been a great model to all of us. We have made a positive reaction because of the good things that you have done. And that thing will never change until the last breath that you will make because of the memories that you have left behind.

 Philippines before was a stagnant country. Nothing new, nothing changed in short no new improvement.That's why we are all so thankful for these visible results this past few years serving as a leader. We salute you from the deepest pride and honor Mr. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

Sincerely yours,
Earl Francis Rabacal

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Philippine Independence Day : A Land to remember

Being a truly free country means a lot to the Filipino citizens. Years ago, we were attacked by the Spaniards. Living in terror, struggle and maltreatment made every single one of them to feel disrespected. About 300 years, they are abused by the military forces of the Spaniards. Thinking of themselves so powerful that they can do anything to satisfy their own pleasure. This mess went on and on because the Filipinos are not able to fight their rights and to defend their territorial control.

Until one day, American's volunteered their army to join forces with the Filipinos. Fighting for days, months and years was a shame in both nature and humanity. Blood was scattered, life was shredded and sacrificed for just one reason, to fight and claim what is ours. Those sacrifices and deaths stopped after a victorious side which leads a new era of the republic. But the question is, are we really that free to celebrate our freedom? That was a big question to all of the citizens. But most of them said we are not yet free from the hands of the Americans. In fact, they take advantage to us because of this deal. But the Philippine government didn't let this to go on and that's the time that they ended the relationship of the two sides. But it was not a happy ending, years past, other countries raided Philippines and war keeps on starting.

Decades past, and we freed ourselves from the hands of the others without the help of any reinforcements from foreign countries. They retained strong and glorious until the end of the war. And when El Presidente raised and waved the flag of the Philippines with valor heart and warm pride. That's why we need to celebrate the independence day for us to remember and give importance and to salute the heroes that made a slave country into a a free one. Though it was hard, but we still managed to to smile and laugh to celebrate the day when we were able to achieve a great accomplishment in which future generations will treasure.