Wednesday, August 8, 2018

1st Quarter : A Life Changer

This first period, I have learned so much about blogging and things that is supporting it. Making a blog is an important task because it makes us to do things in a way that we can also help others by sharing our knowledge about that certain topic. Blogging also help us in improving our skills just like in grammar, editing, and other useful stuff that we can apply in real life. I also have learned things about how internet was made, about the persons or the makers, the developers, innovators, and other important person that made a great impact in making internet to be successful nowadays. 

In every discovery there is always a challenge or a problem that you need to face and to overcome in order to gain that knowledge for you to surpass who you are today. There were some problems that I needed to face and to do something about it. First, I had a hard time in understanding about what is the real purpose of making a blog. Second, I also have this thing in my mind that if I post my work, I always as myself if "what would other say"? What would other say if my grammar was wrong, if my work is very far from the topic that I am making and what if my work talks only nonsense. I always have that fear of being judged by others. That's why every thing that I type, I often think that I still need to improve this thing. Lastly, I'm not that familiar about how to make a great blog because my grammar is not that good and I don't use computer for educational purposes only instead, I often use them for playing games in which I cannot develop my skills in grammar and computer works.

These three problems pushed me to strive harder; which is I did. I solved my first problem by searching more examples about blog. This made me realize how blog affects every students or even workers on their task. It gives them more idea about what they want to know. And it's a good thing that you have helped your fellow to do their task easier and faster. I've also puzzled my second problem by accepting what I am capable to do or to show to others. Instead of taking those "imaginary" opinions negatively, I chose to take it in a positive way. I aimed high, I've read many rules and tips on how to make my grammar look more appealing to the readers. Lastly, I was able to conquer my last problem by watching tutorials and doing stuffs that made myself to be more familiarized about modern technologies that will be needed to make blogs.

Moving on, I would like to thank my teacher for this lesson that she thought us a wonderful life hack for us to use in our daily and future life. And I will also take my ability in making these kinds of online blogs to the next level. In this way, I will be able to make my blogs more specific and precise to feed the reader what he/she really needs about that topic and to give him/her more than what they needed. Again, Thank you ma'am, for you have given us a great opportunity to change ourselves in what we do in this computer technology.