Sunday, September 9, 2018

Disaster: We Ain't givin' up

   Why is it that Philippines is considered as one of the most disaster prone country in the world? How many times did the Philippines got hit by different kinds of cataclysms? In every calamity that is occurring in this country, how many times did we fall apart from each other? How many times did this natural disaster destroyed our homes and environment? How many times did it made us feel down?  Only few of them that we can clearly remember. But one things for sure, we stood still and accepted the challenges of life because even many times it will come, we ain't giving up, right? And we'll never let those setbacks to shatter this broad wall of flexibility and resiliency of every single Filipino citizen.

  Let's imagine how typhoon Haiyan devastated the whole country's domain. Let us focus on how this typhoon was able to traumatize the life of every individual that was living in the Philippines. Yes, it only lasts for about a week or so. But it took us days, months, or even more than a year to recover the pain of experience that is being kept as scars. A scar that symbolizes memories which will never fade from the faces of the victims.

e also need to give surveillance to the eruption of Mt. Mayon. Let's go back in time wherein the villagers that inhabited near the volcano was able to encounter the fearful shacking of the crust and the rapid movement of thick ashes that covered the entire place. Again and again we will undergo different problems in life that needs attention and awareness to be solved. Even how hard it will strike us, life doesn't end here. 


   History might repeat itself. But don't be worry for we are also ready to repeat all the requirements in order to surpass the difficulties of life. Have faith in God to possess the peace of mind which will lead to a better understanding and way of thinking on how you will solve a problem that is already a part of your life. Just smile and be flexible in every situation that will happen to you. And think that someday, you will be out there being proud to yourself for you have conquered something that not all can do. Again, life doesn't end here!

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