Saturday, October 20, 2018

United Nations Month Celebration

These times we are experiencing different kinds of maltreatment towards each other. Have we forgotten the rights that everybody deserves? Why do we practice these things from the first place? It's no good in mankind. Whether you are rich or poor, you need to know your limitations and responsibilities each time you make you move. You need to asses things first so you will not hurt anybody's feelings.

Women and children are the most fragile ones in this problem of our country. They have the right to shout the maltreatment but they remained silent because of the fear that they are undergoing. Because of poverty, child labor is also one of the most "Being solved" problem throughout the world. Instead of enjoying the essence of life, they are there on their own job finding money just to have a food to eat. Because of poverty, bad things happen as if it was just normal to us already. Money changes a person in the way they think, they act, and they believe. Let us not abuse the life given to us. We can't exchange our loyalty and beliefs just for money.

We need to move for a better place to live in. Do not let the system eat you. Instead, make a change from yourself and the others will surely follow. Be a member and a leader towards a safer world for the next generation's sake. Work together to change the VALUE of money.

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