Monday, July 9, 2018

Letter To The President

Malacanang Palace Compound
J.P. Laurel Street, San Miguel

Dear Mr. President,

It's my pleasure to write a message for you sir! Please let me start from the beginning. Years past, drugs, gambling and crime ruled the Philippines. So thirsty for money they can even harm their own family. These problems made the government officials to fear the outgoing rage of the illegal makers. But behind those fake walls, some of the government officials made a secret agenda to those drug dealers in exchange of bountiful money.

 Corruption then came and it made this problem to go more worst than ever. Money hypnotizes leaders to steal fortune from the government funds which it will eventually lead to a slow growth specially in economic concerns. Then a brave Davao mayor emerges from a simple mayor to a prestigious president.From that day, a new hope, a new light and a new life was born. A ruler that is strong-willed person that is capable to kill the devil inside you and will make an individual to go back in the real educated life. A type of a person that doesn't fear death just to serve his countrymen. Mr. president, we would like you to know how grateful and thankful we are for you have been a great model to all of us. We have made a positive reaction because of the good things that you have done. And that thing will never change until the last breath that you will make because of the memories that you have left behind.

 Philippines before was a stagnant country. Nothing new, nothing changed in short no new improvement.That's why we are all so thankful for these visible results this past few years serving as a leader. We salute you from the deepest pride and honor Mr. President Rodrigo Roa Duterte.

Sincerely yours,
Earl Francis Rabacal

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