Sunday, March 10, 2019

New year, New me

Years have past and still I am the same kid that I used to be. This upcoming new year, more and more things are about to come. New lifestyle, new hobbies or for short, it could be a new self. In this time of the year, we are forgetting the unacceptable memories of the past and gather the family around to start a fresh fortune and to have a planning on what to do for the next year that is soon ahead. 

Since it is a new calendar to put on the wall, we are all expecting a better and more comfortable flow of our living. That's the time that the "New Year's Resolution" thing overwhelms ourselves to forget the past and plan for the future. But most of us are already not that serious on these thing. We just celebrate this event because it is already the traditional doings of our ancestors. New year isn't just the right time to have a change in our life. If you really want to change, a normal day is just okay to think of something that will make you a more productive person. No more excuses and reasons not to be a better person. As I said, New year is just a day that we think it is a special day that makes it so special for us. But in reality, New year is really just a normal day in the calendar. So stop the mindset of having a belief into something that is not that helpful to all of us. As I said, if you really want to see a change in your life, start it to day. Never wait for the New year to come. Instead, before the new year comes, make sure that the new you is already in the process.

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