Monday, March 11, 2019

My dream; My future

We all have a dream, we all have a future and we all have that "Dream future" of our own. Doesn't makes sense right? But it's a good thing to have time to think what is your plans for the future. Dreaming is not bad. It will never be bad at all because it is the only free thing that we can do. And of course, dreaming is not attained in a single blink of an eye. It takes a lot of effort and time to have that sweet success of your own life.

Dreaming needs a lot of perseverance because along the road, there will be plenty of challenges that should be overcome. Things will be hard to imagine and it will be hard to deal with it. But always remember the things that makes you stronger. The memories that inspire you. And think about your family that is relying on you.

Dream BIG my friend because it will only be once that will be granted. Do not be discouraged when you fail. Because when you fail, means you tried and just repeat it. But repeat it with more knowledge and wisdom. And surely, blessings will come in no time.

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