Monday, March 11, 2019

Change: Starts With Me

Most of us want to change for a brighter future. Some wants to change to have revenge or to make someone jealous on him/her. But a real change doesn't define how you affect yourself from the people around you. A real change is on how you are able to change yourself in order to make others and including you to have a happier and more productive living. Changing one's self is not that easy. It takes a lot of effort and consistency just for you to achieve what you want to become. And of course changing also needs support from God, family or friend and even the support from yourself for you to be able to give your best in reaching your goals in life. 

But we also need to take some consideration in every action that we will about to make. Before changing yourself, think first before you execute your plan. Because not all change are good. It just depends on the person that controls it's emotions and reasons in changing.

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