Monday, March 11, 2019

4th Quarter Reflection

This quarter is the last quarter of this school year. But it's never too late to nurture the memories and gather more special events with your friends. Stop the COMPETITION instead, COLLABORATION is needed in our school. We need to act more mature in our own ways. Time can never be brought back again. So why not give your best to make that time special instead of wasting that time making yourself on the top rank? Wake up and think more about the outside world of schooling. Attainments in school are only temporary. Printed stars, certificate of honors or maybe gold medals are not that important. Because what really matter is how much your heart, mind and your soul grew up on those past few years. Again, remember that we only live once. Means it's up to you how you will live that last years of your life.

My dream; My future

We all have a dream, we all have a future and we all have that "Dream future" of our own. Doesn't makes sense right? But it's a good thing to have time to think what is your plans for the future. Dreaming is not bad. It will never be bad at all because it is the only free thing that we can do. And of course, dreaming is not attained in a single blink of an eye. It takes a lot of effort and time to have that sweet success of your own life.

Dreaming needs a lot of perseverance because along the road, there will be plenty of challenges that should be overcome. Things will be hard to imagine and it will be hard to deal with it. But always remember the things that makes you stronger. The memories that inspire you. And think about your family that is relying on you.

Dream BIG my friend because it will only be once that will be granted. Do not be discouraged when you fail. Because when you fail, means you tried and just repeat it. But repeat it with more knowledge and wisdom. And surely, blessings will come in no time.

117th High School Day Celebration

High school day celebration is one of the most awaited event of every ISNHS student. It will be expected to be busy, exhausting, or even messy day but, I will surely a great day too. Different activities such as the field demonstration is fun to watch because of its wonderful aura that is coming from the students. The alumni are also there to help us in celebrating that special day. And of course, we can't forget the dance moves of our beloved teachers that danced gracefully which made the crowd a lot more hyped. In short, this day is a unforgettable day in each and everyone of us. But that doesn't end there, there are more still to come in the next generation.

Kannawidan Festival

Kannawidan is a part of a Bigueno's culture. Wherein they celebrate this event as a part of remembering the importance of the past. Practicing street dances, building booths, and giving credits to our ancestors. These are just some of the event where we bring joy and happiness to the air as we celebrate this part of Vigan city's rich culture. The festival shows the richness of its heritage, culture. traditions and other important details that some of us are yet to be found only in Ilocos Sur.

It is true that Ilocos Sur have plenty of things to be proud of. That's why we are inviting you to come to Vigan if you have a free time. Because we know that once you get here, you'll get hooked by its wonderful aspects.

Change: Starts With Me

Most of us want to change for a brighter future. Some wants to change to have revenge or to make someone jealous on him/her. But a real change doesn't define how you affect yourself from the people around you. A real change is on how you are able to change yourself in order to make others and including you to have a happier and more productive living. Changing one's self is not that easy. It takes a lot of effort and consistency just for you to achieve what you want to become. And of course changing also needs support from God, family or friend and even the support from yourself for you to be able to give your best in reaching your goals in life. 

But we also need to take some consideration in every action that we will about to make. Before changing yourself, think first before you execute your plan. Because not all change are good. It just depends on the person that controls it's emotions and reasons in changing.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

New year, New me

Years have past and still I am the same kid that I used to be. This upcoming new year, more and more things are about to come. New lifestyle, new hobbies or for short, it could be a new self. In this time of the year, we are forgetting the unacceptable memories of the past and gather the family around to start a fresh fortune and to have a planning on what to do for the next year that is soon ahead. 

Since it is a new calendar to put on the wall, we are all expecting a better and more comfortable flow of our living. That's the time that the "New Year's Resolution" thing overwhelms ourselves to forget the past and plan for the future. But most of us are already not that serious on these thing. We just celebrate this event because it is already the traditional doings of our ancestors. New year isn't just the right time to have a change in our life. If you really want to change, a normal day is just okay to think of something that will make you a more productive person. No more excuses and reasons not to be a better person. As I said, New year is just a day that we think it is a special day that makes it so special for us. But in reality, New year is really just a normal day in the calendar. So stop the mindset of having a belief into something that is not that helpful to all of us. As I said, if you really want to see a change in your life, start it to day. Never wait for the New year to come. Instead, before the new year comes, make sure that the new you is already in the process.