Thursday, January 3, 2019

Equality is Creating Difference

They say we're all equal. They say we're different who creates differences but I can say that we are all equal with different perspectives. People nowadays think that equality is a serious issue but being equal doesn't make differences, right? Being equal makes us see the same pictures and experiences but our only difference is how we see and experience them. 

To be honest equality can't be attained having the thinking that we human must have what others have. The thing is we tend to see equality literally that we can't see what makes us different from the others. The differences on how we treat others, how we make our thoughts think and how our hands work. Yes, I know that we have our own world from our within that stirs our everyday activities which creates differences and this differences make the world equal.

Being equal doesn't only speak for our own, it speaks as a whole. It is creating a balance world where we humans get to help each other by reaching out our hands to build stronger connection in which the world would say that equality builds differences.

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